The company was also once again accredited as a South African premier solution provider, sharing this high status with just one other ACCPAC solution provider at this month`s ACCPAC International Business Partnership conference held in Quebec, Canada.
Lorge has a string of ACCPAC awards and accolades, including ACCPAC Africa National Business Partner of the Year for 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002, and ACCPAC International Developer of the Year for 1997 and 1998.
Issued by: TMC
Softline Lorge
Established in 1986, Softline Lorge has become the undisputed leader in ACCPAC accounting software and business solutions in Africa. Over the years, Softline Lorge`s consistent expertise in the implementation, development, servicing and support of ACCPAC systems as well as the design and application of innovative solutions that provide strategic and competitive advantage, has earned it an enviable reputation in both the public and private sectors.
Editorial contacts
Colleen Bellas
(011) 292 8100
Dave McDermott
(011) 327 5171